Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Diving for Salmon...

I'm BAAACCKK! Four 15-page papers in two weeks is a killah I tell you!! :)
Now that I have my proverbial head above water, I'll share with you an actual water adventure that the Dudley family and a few friends went on last weekend. Don't worry....I'll get to the Singapore photos, just decided to play catch-up in reverse order.

So, the Rokkasho salmon festival....a very interesting event to say the least. We laughed our butts off as we watched a few hundred people participate in a 3-minute dive after fish in a large blue pool--kids were slippin' and slidin' and shovin', adults were scramblin', jumpin' and divin'--it was like watching a greased pig catching contest, Japanese style. Chris had dreamed about the moment he would wrangle a fish with his bare hands (he does love his salmon fishing, of course), but realized afterwards that the event selling out of tickets and him not getting one was not a bad thing. I don't know who got the worse end of the deal, actually...both fish and people exited the pool a little bloodied. For the fish's sake, I hope they got in a few well-aimed whaps with their tails before being carted off to the cleaning tables.

Salmon stew...just like in a Campbell's soup commercial--mmm, mmm, GOOD!

Adorable little Japanese girl eating yummy, delicious salmon eggs (GACK!)

Noah had a great view on Daddy's shoulders

Just Mommy and Meeee!

The Kuehns (Tim and Monica) and the Milds (Andy and Keli)

The Great Pool of Salmon

The Wranglers. Ready, Set...


I got him, go in for another one!!!

(insert Japanese subtitles here)

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish...

1 comment:

Dan02USNA said...

Chris, is this kind of like the Japanese version of the Mullet Toss??? :) Can't wait to see you guys!