Sunday, June 22, 2008


Much to our chagrin, Chris and I have realized over the last several weeks that we've become rather dismissive of Hektor and not very kind to our fuzzy buddy over the last several months. With our preoccupation with school, work, personal issues, and most of all, Noah, we've allowed ourselves to ignore all of his good behaviors and focus minimal attention on him only when he's been underfoot or asking for something directly--food, water, to go potty, or sit with us on the couch. (Yes, he actually asks. It's amazing, I know. He sits up to "ask" and can distinguish the difference between specific words and phrases. "Hektor--Do you need to go potty?" **No response** "Are you hungry?" **No response** "Are you you want water?" ***THAT'S IT, THAT'S IT!!! Excited begging motion, woofing, and jumping inserted here.***)

I digress.

We've been rather poor doggy parents, so here is a shout out on the little guy's behalf for being such a great dog:

Thanks, Hektor:

1) For sitting quietly at our feet while we study, read, play with Noah, or watch television.

2) For waiting in the foyer after coming in from the rain, knowing that your paws are needing to be wiped and lifting each one in the process.

3) For knowing that crumbs aren't allowed on the floor or couch and eating treats only in designated places (like taking them to your bed without being told).

4) For taking yourself to bed each night without being told (sometimes ahead of us), and resting there quietly (even when you have to go "out") through the half hour Chris is getting ready to go to work and only after I after get up. This is MUCH appreciated!

5) For not being a yappy, overly-hyper dog, like so many of our neighbors' four-legged beasts.

And especially:

6) For defying the "breed disposition" and not giving in to jealousy or showing any ill-will towards the baby for being displaced in the exhibiting patience, acceptance, and affection towards Noah...even when he grabs a fistful of your facial hair and tugs until it hurts.

7) For knowing what "Go check on the baby" means and following through. That's really awesome!

8) For aspiring to be like Nanna from "Peter Pan"--watching over your little buddy carefully, knowing how to distinguish a serious cry from a whiney one, running to "check" on him when he falls over, and coming to get me when you think I'm needed. And I'm sure in your little doggy brain, slobbery kisses aren't disgusting germ spreaders, but the best medicine for bumps and bruises!!

And in the future:

9) For waiting patiently and lovingly at the window for Noah at 3:30p.m., because somehow you just "know" that's what time he gets home from school each day.

10) For being the always ready playmate that every little boy needs in his early years of development (especially when mommy and daddy can't keep up the pace).

11) And finally: For helping to ease Noah's many hurts, hurdles, and heartbreaks (as only doggy pals can do) as he experiences the rocky climb from boyhood to manhood.

Thanks, pal! Even though we may not have shown it as well as we should have, you've been an incredibly awesome member of our family!

~ Amanda

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