Friday, August 15, 2008

Little Head Banger

Noah LOVES music and it doesn't matter what genre it falls under--classical, rap, pop, heavy metal, or country (yikes!)--he will stop whatever he's doing to listen and smile. To further encourage this behavior, I've started sitting with him at my keyboard in hopes that he'll become more musically inclined than his mom and dad. Sadly, Chris never really had an interest in playing an instrument and I haven't maintained any sort of discipline over the years at the piano. The hope is that he'll learn to play (and play well) at least one instrument in his life, whatever that may be.

So, here's a video of Noah rockin' out to a little Twisted Sister--it's a little fuzzy, but you can see him "headbang" for a few moments. And, no...I did not teach him that. :)

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