Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Post Preggo Hair

Okay, so after being pregnant I expected things about me would change--other moms told me that things would sag, droop, flab up, stretch, and even get bigger (not only boobs, but feet too). But no one, I mean NO ONE, told me that my hair would go through a dramatic change. Before Noah, I had lots of body in my hair, but no real curl. Maybe a strand or two here and there.

Here's the before photo:

And this is after:

Not great photos, but you get the point. I've done nothing to my hair in the photos above except wash it and put a holding product on it. Weird, huh? I just want to know if it's going to stay this way or in a few months (or years), go back to the way it was.
Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Erin_Del said...

I'm jealous! I want some wave. :) Hope you're having fun in SYDNEY! Can't wait to read about it.